9:13:00 AM
me: the little caterpillar is MINEEE! >.peiwen: oh finee. then the best tea leaves on the top are minee!
me: hur hur hur.
-silence, from gen-
me: do you think that the little caterpillar got the tea leaves in the end?
pei wen: obviously not, cos they all go to me, the all great-and-mightly-tea-leaf-queen-PEIWEN.
me: uwahhh.. i want the top tea leaves, i want them now! uwaahhh!
guwahaha. i never get tired of that ad. -swoons-
yesterday, was the record breaker for two of them, getting me to stay up so late on the phone. quite an acheivement, taking into consideration how much i love my sleep...
of course, i love prank calls too. ^_____^
went poeple's park just the other day with my mum to get uniform. it was a surprise went we took the life and there was this little fat greying old man sitting beside the pannel of buttons.
"3rd floor please."
you can tell there's something slightly wrong with him, looking into his boyish contented face, noticing the way he wears his clothes. he presses the button and nods off to something i think is sleep.there's something different, cartoon-ly about him. stepping out of the lift, my heart feels like it swallowed a big tub of ben and jerry's ice cream cookie dough- tight, alienic-ly warm, prickly.
"thats just so sweet, of them to give him a job. just so sweet, just so sweet." and its really true. who needs someone to press buttons for you? but he needs the job, and they give him his pay, and my heart just melts into a puddle.
"people like them, are the most contented." says my mum.
kindness can come in so many forms. but whats wrong with this world, that kindness has become so.. suprising? shouldnt it be man's second nature to love, care, and be kind? then why are scary problems like suicide, drugs, gang fights, teen pregnacies become so frequent and accepted as normal? its all wrong and upside-down-inside-out, we need to learn how to love again. abit like the spider needs to learn how to weave a web again.
p.s: lksdjfvn lwkejfsm sdkrlkr my keyboard is my key.