one word: whine.
i really never dreamed that i wouldnt be able to go for OBS la. never in a thousand years. that's God's timing for you, and im really trying to take it in my stride. on the plus side, no school or cca till next week as sec1s are going for malacca, sec2s- adventure camp, sec4s- some boring recycling thing. hahahaa. school's deserted; just makes me miss my besties to death. -hugs stuff toy- really, this knee injury has been just so problematic, and has caused so many unwanted turns in life. garr.
taking everything on a lighter note: neoprints from sunday, plaza sing.
ried to photo edit printone. turned really bad so i tried to get it back to 'normal' MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHEEE. just proves to show how bad my photoediting-non-existent-skills are. grin. saw this $29 bok in popular on photo edit, immediately strings of my soul yelling 'i want i want i want!' reached for it. spent a good tme flickinG through. SO DARN COOL i tell you. oh btw, the neoprint also proves that yes, aletheia CAN hand upsaide from the celling of the neoprint booth. i am so good, oh yeah.
printthree: peiwen; the escort/soldier/bodyguard/what-have-you that will fight her head off for her queenahemcarinecough. ale; the one that (after peiwen dies) shields carine from all attacks, and gets killed la because there's simply too many attack to be a human shield for all. gen; (not in print) the escort that goes: CARINEE!! and hugs her tightly and pulls her to one side (in her own weird way protects her majesty la, and letting me and peiwen fight off the rest, or get killed- muahahahahahaa) side note; we wish this would happen: gen: HUR! you wanna kill carine? no way! you have to be taller than me first! (QUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAheeHAHAHA) zelia; the one that has super powers and hops runs around so fast no enemy can see her and goes around (unchalenged) swiping them.
we make a pretty good team. grin.
the SELF-DECLARED QUEEN OF SCOTLAND, WHITE WITCH the second; wannabe, not-so-POWERFUL carine heng < insert long list of names she likes> BEGGING ME AND PIEWEN TO TAKE NEOPRINTS WITH HER. this was my conditon, MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAA. you should have seen her first puppy eyed expression!
we love the neoprints, hahhaa. literally had carine obseesing over them.
GO TO <a href="">CUTEOVERLOAD.COM</a> NOW. NOW NOW NOW NOW. (if moomoo can melt hearts of guys, hey, these critters are definitely up there too)
hee! my head is the size of your cell phone! hee!
1. look at kitty. 2. look at green post it under kitty's bowl. 3. repeat over and over again. 4. allow eyes to go round. 5. allow self to squeal so cute.
anyone needs help vacumming the floor?
i seriously want to squeeze it. gimme gimme gimme.