10:27:00 PM
quick breakdown of what happened today


took a train home, instead of direct bus. all for the love of tacopachi. =/ thats where all the <i> funny stuff</i> started to happen. and not in the funny-hahahhahahaha-FUNNY! way.


i missed my train stop, TWICE. newton (to change to a bus,  which would be much faster.) and chua chu kang: my final destination. looked up from book i was reading, and read the large red letters C-H-U-A-C-H-U-K-A-N-G

went:AH!I missed my stop again! (loudly) attracting curious amused looks. all i could do then was to hide behind the book. shaking in either laughter of frustration.

which made peiwen screech: ALETHEIA. DONT YOU EVER LEARN?!

i fell on the escalator, inducing superficial elbow wounds,

mum found out abt me going out to bugis, kena grounded.

handphone screwed: it kept sending repeated "telecast" msges to friends of sms conversation.


all this which makes me yell:  THE MACBETH CURSE IS REALLLLLLL.

and made me whine: at least let me finish the book first before killing me off, idiot!

(idiot, referring to Macbeth)

i have been a victim. oh, the HORROR.



and i got a new lj account. loving lj now, =] great contrast to my first instinctive reaction to it (smash and splinters) grin. link found in the side bar. i will still continue updating here. lj is for fun, and when im feeling floaty.  ^.^


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anyways. im the second witch with puffed out cheeks (chewing on a lizard's tail and newt's eye) and proper fingernails-hand-witch-pose-because-the-other-two-have-watches-grin. even tho i look positively horrible,and fat,and out of proportion, isnt carine's photoediting skills superb? grin. im sure its just the picture and not the edit. HUM.

