4:44:00 PM
i honestly think i over-reacted by alot this morning in geography class. yes, i should have chilled but heck, i was this close to walking out of his class. the strangest thing that made me jolt out of saltwaterland was a *drumroll* tissue. (hahahhaa i'd love to see the look on your face. =] ) seriously, i was going to write H-A-T-E these four letters on the tissue in green ink. but heyyy.. i wrote -A-T-E instead.no i wasnt hungry in particular, but it reminded me that by just that one letter, i could very well poison myself, give up fighting for love and let the birds tear my very soul and existence into strips- NO WAY. I live for love.my grades are dropping for some unknown reason, and they're dropping to such ridiculous extents im convinced teachers have something against me. how, how, HOW is it possible to fail English in the first place? the very thought of failure is ridiculous to me. and how on earth do i even look my parents in the eye now? can you give me the benefit of doubt now, when i say this is the lowest ebb of my life thus far? its not okay. a blatent 9% fail is not okay, not for english.
with so many negative things bouncing into my life, the family, if this is spritual warfare, i pray. and i need prayer... thanks people. someone onece said: when failure comes around, thats when you really see your friends' worth.
and i really, really have wonderful friends.
its a soft white tissue, with random green stains.
its a normal piece of tissue, doing extraordinary things.
i cant get my mind of that tissue, cause its part to play was more important than the rest.
cause God got it to do, what it did best.