10:57:00 PM
the only thing i dont get isWHY CAN THE SOCCER BALL HIT ME, THEN
hur.... that's just plain unfair. hur...
merry Christmas to all you people out there.
on a side note, thanks for tagging my board with well wishes yah. ^^ hahaha.
it is kinda hard not to smile when everyone else is. and everywhere else has a spirit of jolly-ness around. aint that right.
on the eve of Christmas eve.
that's like, ramped all over with a stamp BONDING TIME.
and michelle dear has a wonderfully handsome father. hahahaa.
even if he's with white hair hahahhaa! right stacie? lols.
and Rachel darling.........
erm. she's soo blur and innocent. how can one break her heart?
yes dearie, your brownie bananas were smashingly nice!
of course. and Shirley, just has to be excused right, 'cause she will puke at the sight of bananas after that fishbone kitchen night yar... one whole night of ten plus banana mama thingys whatever... and yar. so of course..
just that on a little side note [scribbles smth thing on a post-it]
me: i really wonder why i have two pieces on my plate. *glares and whacks Shirley with a pillow*
Shirley: isnt Rachel sitting on that??? -confused-
Jaime: THERE ARE TWO PILLOWS SHIRLEY!! -exasperated tone, as usual-
Shirley: oh.
me: -whacks Shirley over the head with the pillow again-
Rachel: anyway dont lie Aletheia, thats just one piece cut up into two big pieces and one small piece.
me: but im not lying!
and everyone: laughs.
me: laughs anyway.
i want to thank Rachel for making the effort of making the brownie cake for us.
Shirley the seaweed.
chrsitmas eve.
web was great, surprise-ified and full of laughter. we came for wg even tho michelle couldnt make it, and ended up bonding with jingyi and mag's wg, playing sardines in the dark. then singing carols off a white board in the dark [i was idiot ebouff to suggest this and ended up their candle-handphone light- bearer. yah ] hahhaa. were we singing loudly? lols. just wanted to spread the christmas cheer.
then the service itself, made itself clear.
[jingyi was having a bad day... we made her eat a mouthful of marshmellows... then.. between she, me and someone else? she was the last to sit down. gee...]
ANYWAY. the service made itself clear. dont miss the point of christmas.
i dont know what else to say. cant articulate anything at the moment.
in fact, im willing to bet i ate too much. [but then we would have to lay down yardsticks for what would be considered too much, which would simply be too much trouble. ^^ heh.]
but how to tell if i kena indigestion, if i have never kena indigestion before? or rather, never knowing patted my stomacha and it yelled back "INDIGESTION YOU TWEET! DONT EAT SO MUCH" well yah.
christmas day.
went to chruch with parents.
tried, failed to get jingyi's attention.
left five minutes early for christmas lunch.
left aunt's place wayy too early in spite of tradition.
planned to go play soccer.
never woke up in time for it. hahahaa.
i learn alot from just sitting in the car and listening too my parents debate.
watched princess diaries.
missing sweet home albandamananannananananaa-
whatever now. yay... *deadpan*
i saw mummy kissing santa claus,
under the misletoe last night.
bittersweet memories,
just like chocolate.
merry christmas to you all.
pop quiz;
the greatest present you want, and the greatest present you can recieve.
is there a difference for you today?
i cant remember what i wanted to end off with. oh wells.