8:55:00 PM
i wish there were chalk drawings in sgp.

:/ i rmb them vaguely in the US, and the classic Mary poppins. (:

these are amazing. :D
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the next two are just to show you how DIFFICULT they are to achieve.
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now you can fully appreciate the effort, talent and coolness. (:

p.s: there's this irritating white border i didn't notice till now. :/ not going to bother getting rid of them. will just have to bear with the unsightliness till i can't stand it and eventually edit them . (:

oh and while i was going through my emails while looking for something a friend sent long ago, i found this.

i wished for something to cheer me up, and God gave me this.
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aren't they the cutest? i nearly died laughing when i saw this again. and of course it was gen who sent it. unfortunately... the gifs aren't thaaat clear. :/ i think you can save and upload this to your phone. free screen cleaners! don't do the whole sms thing. you usually end up paying more than you bargained for.

:D now that you're screen's clean. let's look at some FOOD. :D

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i wish this existed.

i wish things would remain the same between us forever.
you know who you are.

i wish for cgap to be for forever.
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and this picture is still incomplete.

i know some of my wishes, in and out of this blog entry, will never come true. but guess which one's are most important to me? you really dont need three tries. friendships mean alot to me. your friendships mean alot to me. i dont know what else i should do.

i prayed for wisdom.
God gave me this:

17But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
james 3:17-18

love, ale.
