Let them come.
9:48:00 PM
i am in a fighting mood this week. a very 'Let them come, I'll be ready!' and 'DIE FIGHTING' kinda mood. of course, all this in reference to studying for what's left of my prelims and my O levels.i can nearly memorise word for word the speeches leaders give their troops just before going into war in Lord of the Rings and Troy. and I tell myself, three things.
1. i was born to study.
i was born in sgp where education is compulsory, i was born into a family that has the capability and determination to send me to scgs, i was born into the care of two wonderful parents who will support me all the way in my studies. God brought me into this world with a plan for my future and i dont intend to ruin his plan for me by not studying, which, im sure now, is what he means for me to do.
2. i study for the glory of God;
the same way people fight for glory, for their country and loved ones.
if i am tempted to give up, i think of my scorn for Paris in Troy, portrayed by (pretty boy) Orlando Bloom. i will not crawl back a terrified unprepared, defeated soldier. if i die, i die fighting. i die giving my best. (of course i dont expect it to be so drama lar till i die, just humour me. hahaha.)
3. i cannot go to war.
have you seen how far those guys have to march? i think i will die of exhaustion before i even get to wherever i need to go and fight.
and did you know they armour is like, fleeking heavy? around 30kg. and that's just the amour. what about the sword? your shield? and your water and food rations and BLANKET for the long march there? and you have to bring firewood to start a fire so you can cook spaghetti! the wood's gonna be heavy man.
and what happens if i poke myself when i'm trying to sheathe the sword in the scabbard? I've been told if its impossible to poke myself in the armpit, if i manage that i'd be the first.
but i was the first to break a magnifying glass in the science lab. no one had broken a magnifying glass for like, thirty years and then i came along. so whats gonna stop me from stabbing myself in the foot with my own sword huh?
I'm so accident prone, i may just fall off my horse and break my neck and save my enemies the trouble of killing me.
this is why i have a chocolate chip cookie and blueberry muffin army to protect me.
okay. enough. breathe in. breathe out.
so. back to the main point which is...
I'm giving my all to my studies. I'm giving my studies to the Lord. and exams? ha, LET THEM COME. *roar*
i swear this isn't a sugar high. aren't you proud of me? :D
p.s: i's absolutely sure this has everything to do with all those big armies going to war movies that i watch. LOTR, Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, the Last Samurai, etc. and any similiar 'let's go to war!' movie i watch, i compare strategies and tactics and digital effects and details. and i compare the size to the lotr armies. hahahaha.
absolute nut case, right? :)
love, ale.