onefourfive am.
1:45:00 AM

this is for hui fang.
(and i like this one the best for being hilarious. :d)

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this is for peiwen.
(even tho i dont see how it works.. hmm..)
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and this is for me and gen.
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and this is because i love the guy and
you've got to hand it to her- it's a freaking good icon.

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credit to coldplayislove.

so i added impersonal links to my side bar on an impulse. this is after i decided last week i wont do exactly that. i dont like being judged on what i read, what i listen to, what i link. :/ but i do like being able to go to everywhere from my blog. and i do like their style. and okay, typical ben dude is cute. (okay, and im being very paranoid about this judging thing. the only good thing coming out of it, is that im more and more acutely aware of my testimony to everyone around me, and it's not a v good one. sleepy one? yes.) i foresee the need to find drop down click link menu codes thingammy soon. never mind if you dont understand my rambling. (:

i took time off my very cough, relaxed studying madness to watch Transformers with Danitza. i'm glad i did. chatting with Danne is my favourite pastime. (: and the first thing that she told me after the movie was: 'The cars are are .. orgasmic.' i think i choked, but agreed. ahhahaha. I think they're so. freaking. cute.

Transofrmers was sooo shiok. people told me it was good, but i never expected it to feel sooo good. hahahaha. there was this five second quiet moment admist all the fighting when they were waiting for the dust to settle. i sat back in the chair -first time in abt an hour- and sigh: " i'm tired. it's too intense!" seriously, i was on the edge of my chair, in my tense, silent scream position for a good half of the movie. super tiring. and when Bumble bee was captured, i started flailing my hands at the screen, moaning 'Noooo. no no no noooooo!' awww. i get misty eyed just thinking abt it.

Danne: 'you were more amusing to watch than the movie.'

oh and, we had subway and five cookies and LJS fries and large popcorn. i think cine is the only cinema that i can say 'the sweet popcorn is actually nice eh!' If you like salty popcorn let me know, i want to watch a movie with you. all my besties eat sweet. ):

crap, i heard my stomach. :/
sigh, 2.14am. tra lalalalala,
good night.

i'll end being in a perfectly bad mood
with perfect chocolate,
shall i?

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love, ale. (:

P.S!! Guess which one's the GIRL. :DDD

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it's the japan version of Hana Kimi and i like it so much much much more than the Taiwan version. ((: so so so much more. it's ten times funnier. and cuter. and hotter. hahahaha. go watch!

okay. i should sleep, bit im not sleepy. ):
i m going to chase myself off the computer. maybe do some work?

okay. im sleepy NOW.
(: nights.
