2:11:00 PM
hello 2007. (hello carine, fine, i will blog.)i really dont want to be sec4.
i want to go to bed and wake up and realise it's all a very bad nightmare. either that or i'll go to sleep and fastforward the time to 2007 after O lvl period. =(
in less than 24hours... well, i dont want ot think about it anymore.
i haven't started making resolutions either. haha.
1. i will kick myself into optimism and smile and be happy as posible and get over all pessimistic and depressive stuff.
2. i will devote my energy and time to my studies.
3. i will try to not waste time on excessive sleeping. =( and i will try not to develope weird wrong sleeping patterns.
4.i will excercise and eat less junk and therefore lose weight.
5.most importantly, i will seek God.
i dont like countdown cause every single year i panic in the last seven seconds of the year. it's garenteed. all those times i wasted away playing and sleeping and lazing around will flash through my head and all i can think of is "COME BACK, COME BACK I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET." then poof, it's 2007 or 2013 whatever.
so. hopefully i will manage to keep resolution 2 and history shall get a break for one year. hahaha.
so. on a much brighter and thankful-ler (late) note. i have loads of people i want to thank.
hello GEN the parrot.
thank you for not getting angry with me, for always listening to me rant (and scream) and be a spoilt kid in general, for always being there, for always staying true to yourself, for letting me copy your work, for going crazy and wacko with me over random pointless stupid stuff, for letting me bite your shoulder hard and not retaliating 96% of the time =) , for teaching me with 105% patience maths, for letting me sleep when i want to, for attempting to wake me up when i need to, for buying me food and cookies, for letting me steal your food and cookies, for calling back, for everything.
what would i do without you? you're one of the best things that has happened to me. =D

mirrors my feelings exactly. hahahahaha.
PEIWEN; my darling desk partner / mummy / pig animal friend / best friend
haha. you have always been the counter weight balence on the crazy scale to balence out me and Gen, =) it's been hard on you. hahaha. i love the times when we agree. i love the times when you scold us for idiocies and ignorance and whatnots. i love all our schemes and scraps and times together. thank you for all that care and effort and trying to make me a better person and love you've shown me. i love you. *ga-lomps you* (and thank you for outting up with all my nonsense and not kiling me, yet. hahahaha)
FISH; other mummy.
hello hello hello dearest. this year has been hard on you and i worry that i havent been a good enough friend.SO. i want to let you know know that i love you i love you i love you. and you're the most huggable. hahahha. thank you for randomly buying cottencandyfloss for me and being you. calm cool sweet loving fun and spikey hair-ed. there're loads of stuff i dont know how to translate into words so i'll jsut give you a big hug when i see you tmr. =) hahaha okay?
stay strong in God and faith.
CARINE; cause that's what sisters are for.
hello my one and only sworn sister. i will always treasure the times spent together with you. continue to grow stronger emotionally and dont be afraid to fall. cause you can always fall on me. i'm always going to be here for you, even if we drift apart. that's how strong i believe our friendship is. so cheers to dreams, obsessions, love, you, us and sisterhood.
NICOLE& SHIRLEYtheseaweed. (no i will not stop calling you that. no matter how lame and old it gets. your expression / reaction never fails to cheer me up.)
hello sisters-in-christ. even tho i've not spent sufficient time with the wg, i'm thankful our friendship is still intact and strong as ever. thank you for lending me a listening ear and advice and your love when i needed it. i love and miss the dinner laughter (haha, there's not enough conversation to call it a conversation, it was just laughter.. hahaha.) and light times and walks and lrt rides. =) thank you for the support and love you've given over the past years. if you need someone to listen to you i promise i will pick up the phone, be free and not talk. =) haha. let's strive together to live more like Jesus, kae? love you. =)
hello MAG dearie.
i havent spent much time as i feel i shld have with you recently. i hope you'll continue to grow and love and grow some more in the Lord and emotionally. thank you for the random choclate and candy you've supplied me with, thank you for all those good memories that i'll keep close to my heart. hahha. thank you for your love. my shoulder is always here for you. =)
dear JONQ, micah 6:8
thank you for pushing me in my walk with God, thank you for sharing with me and thank you for teaching me guitar and alot more stuff, and for being there and being you. =)
JONL my best -guy- friend.
thank you for caring and making me feel good/happy/not so short height wise (hahahaha.) and all those good memories. thankyouthankyouthankyou. hahaha. thank you also, for riding beside when i was slow on roller balde. for managing to always be by myside when i fell on roller blades and for not telling the anyone that i crashed my bike into a tree and bushes when i tried to stop. hahahaa. i feel bad for not being as good a friend to you as you have been to me. so thank you for remaining my friend, for being you, and i'll treasure those good times and memories kae? =)
continue growing in faith and love, continue caring for people and have a blessed O lvl year (with me) okay? loveya. =)
to my DEBATE team mates and juniors.
we all agree we have our bad points and such. but because we've been through all the ups and downs and arguments as a team, i hope we'll bond and grow stronger. cheers to 2007.
SUZY. thank you for being the captain and doing what you do. thank you for making me laugh and realise alot abt myself and all those treats. thank you for being you, love you for that. =) im sorry for all the times i've been unhelpful and difficult. it's our sec4 year together, let's enjoy it.
DANNE. all those random stuff, the bus trips back, the laughter, thank you =) press on in your walk with God and grow spritually, emotionally and just be you okay? just dont grow any taller. heh. i'm sure you'll take the world by storm. i love you for being the best Danizta there is.
hello LYNETTE my very own super- junior.
thank you for making me laugh and being so sweet and helpful and blur. you really make my dsay you know? hahaha. thank youuuu darling, i'll be a better senior okay? okay. =) loveya!
RACHELong. hello dear. thank you for being you, for loving and for understanding me. i assure you we'll miss you. (i will miss you ALOT.) have a blessed 2007 in VJ, enjoy yourself, do your best and make us proud. =) dont look back in regret at what could have happened and dont dwell so much on What Ifs. Grow in the Lord and i can see that you're going to be a great person. (not that you aren't one already, haha). love you truckloads. =)
and CGAP.