10:36:00 PM
i ripped this from eunice darling's blog. hahaa. because im bored. its the sad sad sad realisation stage that if the com's not on, i have nothing else to do. homework doesn't count. HAHAHA.1. do you think you're pretty
2. do you think you're clever?
that would depend on situation and outcome.
3. are you in special stream?
er, express is normal chinese and special is higher right? yeah, express.
4. do people say you're pretty?
5. are you happy NOW?
im in my numbed-out-pretend-to-be-an-ice-cube-unfeeling mode right now. :P
6. do you have a crush?
celebrity crush yepp.
7. how many boyfriends did you have?
that one didn't count.
8. where are you now.
in front of the computer. HA.
9. do you have a group of friends you always hang out with? [if no, go to questions 11]
yes definitly. (there is no question 11, oh eunice. o.o )
10. who are they?
my best friends
12. do you prefer single or attached.
single fruit servings with sugar and chocolate syrup attached. single or attached what?!
13. do you love your friends.
14. who is the closest guy to you NOW in school.
Thank God im in an all girl's school.
15. do you love yourself.
eh, yeah.
16. love your siblings?
wish i had one to love.
17. do you go to the arcade?
only when im high. ^^
18. do you play car-racing?
HAHA. i beat peter once. and got trashed multiple times by joash lar.
19. do you take pictures of yourself?
no camera in the first place.
20. do you like to do quizzes?
my last resort in boredom.
Choose one. Ur dream bf/gf.
1. Dark or fair?
fair, gotta be asian tho.
2. Short or tall?
tall (:
3. Fat or thin?
4. With specs or w/o?
so long as he looks good :D
5. Caring or understanding?
both please :D
6. Rich or poor?
richer than me :D
7. Play any sports or not?
8. Cute or pretty?
cute and sexy and hwatt. oh wait, that was me describing han kyung. okay. nevermind.
9. JC, POLY or ITE?
eeeeeee, jc or poly.
10. Gentle or rough?
can i have both? hahaa.
11. Restaurant or coffeeshop?
hmm. fastfood.
12. Beach or arcade?
neither. let me drag you ice skating please?
13. Hilarious/shy or Romantic/sweet?
uh, let me check with the drama serials first before answering this one. HAHA.
1. Can u live without ur family?
doubt it. i tend to forget that im cooking something in the kitchen and go off to watch youtube. heh. im too dangerous to be left alone lar okay.
2. Dare to kiss a stranger?
how much? $$ :D
3. Kicked someone ass before?
yeah ;D
4. Scolded ur teacher?
yes. i tend to have a knack for this. esp if its a male teacher. geesh.
5. Cheated on examinations?
uh no.
6. Wish that a celebrity was yours?
plenty of times. *spaces out*
7. Hit yourself on the wall?
haha, yeah. accidentally and purposely.
8. Wish that ur bf is here with u?
(echos eunice) what boyfriend?
9. Wish that u can fly?
i'd wish that i'd actually have wishes that can come true, then i'd wish to fly. oh, i'd wish for a licsence too.
10. Wish that u were dead?
11. 1 wish u want in life?
ten more wishes?
or alternatively, Jesus to be raised high on our banners.
12. 1 word to end everything.
I LOVE YOU. then run away. oh wait, that's three words.
1. have you ever had a crush ?
2. have you ever wish to marry a rich man ?
yeah, plenty of times.
3. have you ever been hurt ?
yeah. stairs hurt alot when you fall down them you know.
4. have you ever played timer ?
with the kitchen timer yes. broke the last one. oops.
5. have you ever been to m'sia ?
yeah. what type of question is that?
6. have you ever had a U grade before ?
U for umbridge. nope.
7. have you ever thought of others ?
8. have you ever stead in opposite sex ?
9. have you ever slept over ?
10. have you ever been kissed ?
nope. i'd imagine my fists would get in the way... hahaha. ^^
i am.. going... to...
click on youtube's link again. tra la la la. bye people.