12:48:00 AM
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i guess yes to the lady at the door at cine. woots! ahhaha i would have scanned the ticket stubbs if i wasn't lazy. HEE HEE *wink* and here we were fretting and getting all nervous because we thought she would ask for the ICs. and we even had this whole script planned out! didn get to use a single word of it ^^ hahahahhahaha.
'oh sorry i left it in the car!'

on the other hand, i think Tenacious D; the pick of destiny ('POD HAHAHA! pod of peas! hahahha!' okay, nvm, no one gets it. ...) was a horrible show. absolutely no plot, nor any cute guys, nor anything.. good. and i dont like rock THAAAT much. AND it was all vugarities every three words and URK... ... ... there were about less than ten people in the cinema too. GEESH. i feel like yelling: 'gimme back my $7.50 mr. big shot lousy director!' who ever you are. *slaps forehead*

the only thing i like was the magical forest JB walked into after eating random i-am-innocently-growing-conveniently-at-the-side-of-the-road-for-you-Mushrooms! hahaha! pretty mushroom forest and red juicy rivers and pretty butterflies and Alice in the Wonderland songs! tee hee hee.

and then, the neoprints cheered me up SO MUCH.
hahaha, its either we've gotten better at taking neoprints, or the machine likes us more, or we've just grown to look better than last time. ^^ i think carine's reason (third one) beats mine (first two, rather illogical.) hahaha.

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suffer me to say goodbye;
gotta get you out of my life.

hahaha. i like the blackish and silvery backdrops one. and i got so irritated with the you-can-edit-the-print-with-this-this-this-and-that-backgrounds they offered. so pink! so girly! so... not us! gee... anyways! i love it when there's absolutely no time limit to decorating neoprints. ^.^ but seriously, the new programms sold shld add punk-ish-gothy-nicer-other-than--bimbo stuff, fonts and such. x_x

A BIG THANK YOU to my sister Carine for
1. treating me to sakae buffet! (hahaha, it was my first time. and i always feel guitly spending any amount of money on food... dots, yes i know...)
2. letting me obsess over super junior CDs. "guess which one's hankyung!" "huh?! they all look alike!!" ^^
3. walking to plaza sing, just because.
4. giving me important fashion advice on $12 belts, assesories and frames ^^ (i definitly buy black, when i get the chance!)
5. for making my day, for coming late but in time anyway, for thinking up of all sorts of senarios to get in, for being you, for being my sister, for spending time today with me!

love you!

this has been a half pointless/half usual after outing post/half really special declaration of love to my sister post.
haha oh whatever, cause
did i mention? i love/need sleep too including you. ^^ tee hee.

p.s! zomgaawww it rhymes!

p.p.s/ brain is not connected properly to fingers any more at this time. hahaha excuse ramblings/typos /nonsense. hahaa. my hand hurts! im gonna bet its because of guitar and me over streching it cause it aches/muscles too tight. and now it hurts! dang.

