2:53:00 AM
1. the new blog skin is so irresistibly cute. and the two other blog skins that i have lined up (and WILL forget) after this one are absolutely adorkable too. =D hee.

2. my computer was low on memory space (how can a computer be low on memory space... ) and deleted, i repeat DELETED without permission!!! =( my precious photo collections *insert horrible shriek here* and debate research. argh! ARGH!
so that Super Junior folder that i mentioned earlier, the one that i could go and get myself cheered up every time I'm down? gone. ripped away from me. no more han kyung!!! or dong hae. or eetuek.

the sadder thing is that i knew memory was low and i was going to transfer all that MB into my dad's HDD. i was going tooooooooo, i swear. *sad*

ale's MCQ course of action
a) cry
b) find out what went wrong, punch monitor, and promise never to do it again.
c) call gen and cry/whine/wail/ask for help.
d) check folder and recycle bin. alot of times.
e) pray for a miracle and repeat d)
f) all of the above.

ans: F
for Fail. =(

so now i am deadpan-ed-ly resigned to my sorry fate. in a very sad, grudging, mournful state. =(
(zomgaawwwww it rhymes. ^o^)

3. i got a 51% and a 53.5% on my online holiday homework. =(
please please please i beg you to accept the sorry fact that i cannot do math. period. it's like oil and water. if my brain is just plain not suited for the subject, there is only so much that can be done. i can hope. and then i can hate.

4. i am hungry. it is 3.09am and i want to open that bottle of sparkling juice. oh no! i'm a sparkaholic. *insert gasp here*
on the other hand, soft shell crab will do very nicely. oh nooo, i really want to eat soft shell crab. really really.
on the other OTHER hand, my diet has been an utter failure, (what's new?) and i want to eat taco bell AND tako pachi. and KFC.
gee. why do i feel starving when i'm preeet-tee sure im not? and i feel like i haven't eaten above listed food for a long time when i KNOW i ate it/them recently. kind of.

5. i also want my pocket money to start coming again.

6. point form is good. hahahaha.
it allows me to change topics without (hopefully) giving you a headache and be as random as i like AND i dont have to bother abt linking phrases such as 'speaking abt my inability at math, i really feel like having soft shell crab'. see? win-win-win situation. hahahahhahaha.

7. a big thank you to nicole for re-watching night at the museum with me. tho you dont read my blog dearie. hahaha. and thank you for the Christmas present too!

8. it is 3.20am and the internet connection is slow but there. kinda like the way my brain is. slow, but there. hahahahhahaha. OKAY. that very statement PROVES that i need sleep.

9. Good night people.
