12:00:00 AM
There's something in your heart that can't say this is the end.
just say keep in touch this a secret just between us.
Your feelings can't even express goodbye
When you turn around I'll always be here to protect you now.

haha. im starting to agree with the doubtful looks cast my way, and yes, it is an unhealthy obsession. maybe maybe maybe i need redemption.
i dont know why i choose the cute pics over the cool ones. oh well, this can be Top Five, cute version. then i'll do a cool version when i want to. muahahahha!

TOP FIVE. -ale-

When there are hard times, if I'd just listen to your
voice for a moment, I could forget everything and laugh it off.

1. Hankyung!
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2. EeTuek!
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3. DongHae!
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4. KangIn!
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cause i can't decide. hahaa!
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I'm throwing away all the hypocrisy and lies that've fenced me in

So come on in let's rock this house
I'm going to find myself
Now I'm running on my path and spreading the wings to my dream
come in let's rock this house

whee hee, we went jamming today. and everyone save me and felly got drenched some way or another in the pouring rain. (silly Gen.) and when i started randomly dancing to super junior's U in my head after everything and all (because the song replays automatically when im on super junior deprivation mode hahaha) gen wanted to kill me. and i wanted to die laughing at fishy's and gen's expressions.

i took full advantage of the fact that the walls were padded to make them sound proof. you shld too if you ever get the chance. but did you know? its still kinda hard even after all that foam. HAHAHAHA. but well, yeah. hahaha. i'll rarely ever get to throw myself against the wall and peel myself off again (over and over again too!), just like in the cartoons! ahhaha.
(okay, dont do this at home cos YOUR walls arent padded. unless... ... ...)

and subsequently,
i ended up choking really really bad. comes from collasping on the floor laughing too hard. always happens, collasping that is, and i always end up choking half the time because your airpipe isnt fully er, un-restricted. hahaha. and that is as close as they will get to ale dying. its really irritating, the i have turned into a cat and i hate furballs kinda choke. hahahhaa.

"red alert red alert! she's really choking!" gen.
"okay, ale BREATHE!" pw.
*cue to hyperventilate* ale.
"no she's not okay." fishy.
"no! breathe NORMALLY!" pw.

im just a bad dacer. hahahahaha.
MUAH* LOVE YOU GUYS. hahahhahahahaha!
