12:11:00 AM
you've heard it dozens of times before, i'd bet. but appreciation and encouragement are really, really important. i've just spent the past two hours on someone else's powerpoint presentation, and because ONE photo wasn't good enough, there wasn't any thanks. people, don't be stingy with your words of appreciation. how would you feel if the person you helped all but snapped at you for ONE out of thirty slides, one slide that was just not good enough.

i've been counting my blessings as of late. and the recent ppt i did showcased the poverty and hunger in africa. here i am trying to lose weight, and there they are, dying for the same reason. stupid isn't it? we increasingly fail to see past our wants and desires. we fail to realise how greatly blesed by God because its just too comfortable, too blessed.
(if you want to see the ppt, ask me over msn. i'd gladly send it to you.=D )

one big blessing that i recognise are my friends, that special group that doesn't even need to be named. thank you for all that you've done for me and all the wonderful memories we've shared. if i never wake up tmr, i'd regret that i didn't express my appreciation.

who can gareentee that kind of thing, that you'll always have tomorrow to say thank you? do you have someone you're thankful for, but have never told? (think: PARENTS for most i'd guess.) go sms that person now and make his/her day. doesnt take much effort on your part, does it? so making a person feel good about herself isn't that hard at all actually, contary to poular belief.

did you know, one person recieves an average of 3 compliments a year? what on earth stops us? geesh, if there was more encouragement in the world, schools and blogs would be a much happier place. better attitudes and less rants about 'how my day sucked.'

"i want to care for others, like jesus cared for me"
(web today was very powerful. i hope no one missed it. i was this close to skipping web, thank God thank God thank God i didn't.)
