2:15:00 PM
getting my fill of good christmas cheer from danitza's blog. ((=for once im not spending much on my best friends' christmas presents. nono, not being stingy. can you accept the fact that i think out christmas presents and for once, wants to give presents that arent just a price tag? for,
when you buy a present,
its you im thinking of while paying.
but when you make a christmas present,
every step of the way is spent thinking abt you.
makes sense to me. ^^
but that doesnt mean i cant buy those gorgeous bracelets for you dear. haha.
oh dear. i am supposed to be able to play an entertaining guitar solo by christmas. hulmilate me yes, wont you. thanks alot.
you red nosed reindeer.
and all i want is to pat you on the head.
'please scratch me behind the ears'
what! dont look at me like that.
all i did was to follow instructions on the sign. ^^
dear santa,
all i want for christmas is a hug from above.
it would be good too,
if you could fly gen back from china so i could hug her.
and make sure she and carine are safe from bird flu.
btw, can i have fairies in my tree, that wont bite and go "bur!"?
can i have company on christmas eve,
to play perhaps a game or talk a 'natter?
can i have a song playing thru the house,
just so it wont seem so
CAN I FOR ONCE not be the only one who cares to put up the tree?
CAN I FOR ONCE shrink a little, so i have a reason to ask you for help, to put the star on top?
CAN I FOR ONCE, just not be left alone?
because , you know.
can i for once'- ; not prove myself?
but instead, just enjoy myself.
and with all the sincerity of a five year old i can muster;
can i? just for once please?
its a good thing the song on danitza's blog just keeps playing. dont you think? ((=