1:36:00 PM
i want to(i feel like im standing on a fragile edge.
and horrifiyingly, i wake up.
i am.
looking down down down down and its never ending.
i can see jagged piece of rocks and they look painful to fall on.
i can see a lone, stray shrub looking all withered and abandoned of grace.
right at the misty bottom
i think i can see a pond.
the biggest pond can look small from afar.
i feel like im standing on a fragile edge.
as if it would sway and break with a snap
i look down at my feet and
without warning
im standing on a bridge.
in the middle of a deep dark ravine.
'Oh, Lord help me.'
but i only hear my own voice,
echo-ing echo-ing echo-ing back.
it breaks.
half rotten planks of wood and slpinters rush past me
past me and my terrified scream.
for an eternity the world is upside down.
i can see blurring blue, but
sky or pond?
or of comforting clouds of heaven
for everything stops.
my collar snags on a
twig branch root whatever.
im saved.
a trickle of tear.
'Thanks, Lord.')
wake up
from my nightmare.
im being utterly random but i am thankful that the senile phase has passed without incident or damage. poetry again, im sorry. my style has shown trends of broken structure and sentences. xD prose on the other hand, is nothing less than a reflection of my character. the story i started in the middle of school term, a bowl of mashed potatoes is being considered and rewritten.
haha. i will never forget the face gen gave me wheni told her,
'you know gen, i think the only story im considering to be serious with and finsh is a bowl of mash potatoes.'
i guess the title is really weird. x]
well okay yes the phase passed with one small accident. >.<
i. will. never. attempt. back-bends at the railing of the staircase and in long-jeans-not-folded-up-so-they-will-be-more-than-happy-to-make-me-trip-and-fall and yeah. fall.. heh. i fell and hit my head hard. owie. but maybe it was something i needed to wake up and stop this senile craze.
my mum fears concussion.
i have a bump to prove my utter stupidity. x]
nothing could get better.
i miss anabel.peiwen.gen.jaime.vanessa.remmy.
haha. no i dont miss you, ninethreesix coz i talk to you nearly everyday.