8:02:00 AM
2PE'05 forever.
we may not be that united, we may not be all that wonderful to teach. but we still try our best, and thats what counts in our hearts, together as a class. bonds of friendships that wont break were forged in this class. sqibbles, hugs, pictures, and aniti-prefect-ism- i cant say i'll remember this year for all time, but whenever i hear mama mia, there will be a tinkling of memory of 2PE. for the heart, keeps memories so much better than the fickle brain.
poke. me and gen. my idea. x]
lets all sit on gen. me gen and pw. i think this is my idea too.. x]
this world is getting dizzy. oh why so?
im spinning spinning around. then i stop. oh fleek, why is the world spinning now?
- i woke up from a fairyland tale.-