11:15:00 AM
I want a kitten, so badly. Always have, since I was a little kid.The way they were cute when young and cool calm collected elegant when they get older. The way they can always land on their feet, and seem independant but secretly need us for rubs and attention. The way they meow non-stop for attention and make you trip when they wind themselves around your ankles- on purpose. The way they're lazy and like to sleep, just like me.
Cats, appeal to me. And today, I suddently want nothing else. So i can actually hold something warm, and cry into it's shoulder. Because, Aletheia needs companionship. :'(
sigh. so guess what I do when i'm loney? (: I read emo fanfiction that makes me cry, laugh, that makes me believe, sometimes, love between a couple, can exist. despite all odds.
i went to http://cuteoverload.com/ and searched google, and couldn't find a single picture of MY perfect cat. simply because, she's not with me now. or maybe it's going to be a guy cat. hmm. the point is, perfection in completion. or something to that extent.
my kitten is going to be perfect, i just know.
so while i cant have her, i'll make do with you. my perfectly wonderful friends. i love you, miss you,and im hungry. tata. (:
so while i cant have her, i'll make do with you. my perfectly wonderful friends. i love you, miss you,and im hungry. tata. (: