7:50:00 PM
Thank God, my blogger is back to norm! no more screwy html codes! whee! (: and since multiply's upload photo thing is failing me, im back here again, with love. hahahaha.


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look carefully. and dont scream bloody murder in my ear. (: cause this was one of the times when my hamster has been at its happiest. can you guess how this works?

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Hamster, praying really hard for food. =D my mum's holding it. turuth to be told i dont dare to cuddle it cause it bites me. haha. it's actually fatter than it looks, and doesn't it just look like a ball? i lovvveeee it. and when i wave my finger at him, he follows it, and then tips over and fall on his back. like a roly-poly doll. aawwwwww. and i do it over and over again. he neevr fails to amuse me.

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cheeseeeee <3333. =D note the absolutely adorable bitemarks.

then here's the bad news. my hamster died. one of old age last month, one this morning, of sickness. i dont have anything else to say, save that i miss them so much.

sigh. if i get anything bigger than a hamster, size wise, everybody would be drowned in my tears by now. because i think i would cuddle a kitten or puppy or even bird more than i cuddle my hamsters. (cause they bite! im scare of their theeeeeth.)

emotional attachments, tsk.
it's a transient, temporal world we live in. ):
