11:49:00 PM
i think im in love.with this guy. hahah he's been making a quiet entrance! lately there's more blogskins of him. but im always so picky. there's has to be something imperfect abt the skin that i cannot bear. =( sometimes i could curse myself you know? (not saying that the blogskins i choose are always perfect but still, at least they're near perfect.)
i am irritated with myself.
so! domokun spam!

so cute! so adorable! so loveable!
BUT then the blogging space is too small. how to pic spam when i feel like it? =(
see what i mean by being picky?
oh and i found another
thing. to insult general intelligence. =D
i have come to the sad expensive conclusion, that i need a digital cam. a digital cam that does not take about 4902834876352340928 seconds to load and change mode and etc. a digital cam that will do justice to the colours of the sunsets im trying to take. a digital cam that will fulfil my wildest dreams and capture everything in the way i want it to capture.
okay enough ranting. my nose actually hurts from being blocked, blown, rubbed. whatever. i can berate myself countless times for being stupid and it will change nothing. nothing. which is actually quite durh. since when will blowing your nose change the situation you're crying over?
geesh. i am so stupid. i hate failing!
i think pillows are the best non-human comforters. next best thing to sponges (for destressing!) and cow stuffed toys called moomoo. and unlike ice cream, they dont make you grow fat.
super late p.s:
FINALS BABY. I LOVE YOU GUYS. and believe me when i say that.
alot of people think we dont deserve it, and no one expected so much from us. even we didnt expect to get so far. hahahaha. i say just GIVE IT ALL WE'VE GOT AND DO OURSELVES PROUD. =D
i stole photos off sarah's blog. =D i want a camera! =/
pillow love. =) lalalala.
i love you.
i love you.