9:08:00 PM
1. CHINESE IS OVVVEEEERRRRRR, durh =D Thank God, i am SO grateful.

3. WHO HAS A HAMSTER AND WANTS CLEAN BED SHAVINGS AND HAMSTER FOOD? i dont want to let them go to waste so im giving it away. now. =D so hurry tell me! tag the board.

that's my day in three sentences. during the pre-chinese-must-study period, i had so many things to rant about. now, if i elaborate on the above first two point (the way i did on multiply) you'd find cows in the air cause i rattle off and make no sense.

sense, sand cents! sand. mmmmnnn, PPPIIIRRRAAATTTEEESSSS. sigh. gone are the days when ships like the Pearl actually sailed. quite amazing how the Pearl manages to go everywhere even tho it's not on the same wavelength as our present day Steamships. =D

and i've realised that if i become a pirate, i'd be a chinese pirate. ech. so unglam. glam pirates are like, embodied by Swann and Sparrow and (now, he wasnt last time!) grudingly, Turner.


one week ago
gen: there was this picture of Jack Sparrow on Life's front cover.
me: GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!
gen: and a picture of will turner on page 2 hanging from a rope.
me: ... >.>
gen: in the glam way, not the unglam way!
me: oh. hahahahahahaaahhahahahahahahahhaa.

POTC3 could be better. could be. but it's good enough for me. (:
