9:44:00 PM
there is something, seriously, wrong with blogger. so much for it's new revamped whatever. hmtl is screwed, everything is screwed, i suddenly dont feel like blogging even tho im dying to blog. maybe i shld move to wordpress, hahahaha. okay, not. i love blogger, when it's not screwed. :( UNSCREW YOURSELF! DO A Ctrl-Z NOW!anyway.
CONGRATS JUNIORS. you guys are soooo worth it, over Lit. =D
i love youuuu. hahahahhaa. and everybody shld be naming their whale cat horse after us. or me. =D something like shi-rah-zee-ale-sha-nitza shld do the trick. hahahahhaa. if you say it really fast... it sound quite atrocious. =D
today. was so freaking fun.
anyway anyway. =D
i have a tentative, new pet obsession.
it's sticky, skinny, has glasses, unruly hair and waves a book, not magic wand. looooooool.
i wanna lose weight! after labour day i lost 3kg. nice. :) wanna know how? just. dont. follow suit. cause everybody hates food poisoning. GRRR.
out of the 24 hours of holiday i had, i could only manage 5 waking, living hours of shitting, vomiting and moaning non-stop. =( i did about 30 minutes of half hearted geog on the bed and then gave up, and went back to sleep. have i mentioned, i hate food poisoning?
on the other hand, i love it when i dont feeeeeel like eating. (which is so darn rare.) free easy weight lost! muahahhahaa.
and like, being in a band and having band prac every recess helps too. cause it keeps me away,100% effectively away, from the canteen and all it's temptations. LAAAAAAA!~
and man, i am STILL on an EBTP post-pond high. =D even tho everyone kinda screwed up everywhere, and made so many mistakes, the supporters were still so darn nice. (wuvvy fuzzy feeling!) i wish we did an encore for them. really. =)
after O levels,
(have you realised, the exams seem darn near, the after exams feel so so so far away?)
i am going to pull out stops and buy an electric. and all my essentials: amp, instrumental cable and more, and the basics like a stupid guitar strap! so i can dance around stupidly and whack people and basically move, while jamming. =D
AND. i am going to learn. hahahahahaha. maaannnn i cannot wait.
waiting, is boring, tiring, frustrating, and boring. espcially when you can't do anything about it.
so much has happpened and changed.
i still in screw homework mood (which is why im online now. and not studying.)
and im so hung up over stuff and sleep and obsessions and sleep.