10:43:00 PM
i cannot wait. to go to sleep. really.i slept the other day at 9.30pm and it felt so good. i'll just live with all the weird stares i get if only i could sleep everyday at 9 and still get everything done. geesh. i have huge colossal time management problems, sigh.
debate is taking over my life. i want to go ice skating! the cold, the ' I'm flying, gliding, okay moving!' feeling, even the falling down, ABSOLUTE LOVE! hahaha. =D
i have discovered THREADLESS, the way Chris Columbus discovered America. hahha. i LURRVEE the teeshirt designs there! go google it! (and i think google looks funky recently! with all the aliens and all. did you know that if you type GOOOGLE, you'lls till get google? hahaha. okay /random)


I LOVE LYNETTE! (hahaha, and i loved your love declaration. lols!) but yes. you make a good shield and a great friend and a SUPER JUNIOR and and and

i screwed up grunge style but hey, its nice! hahaha!
now you know who to ask to customise shirts for you!
(absolutely shameless HINT HINT HINT HINT,
tsk aletheia! ahahaha!)

happy (belated) birthday two of you!
and because i have like, this whole pile of maths worksheets looooooooooooonnngggg due, this is for you, miss beh! =D (basically all my homework has degenerated into a pile of STUFF, and nothing more.)

i promise i will do trigo revision twelve. whether or not i get my grade.

actually more importantly, note the guy's NAME.
muahahahha! xD

actually you know, i can't solve this question either. =D
you know me. =)

and now you know RIMFROST from da.com! hahaha her comics made me laugh out loud and they're so typically ale!!! i lurve them, and i like her style alot too! =D (actually im also hoping that this spiel will get me out of trouble for posting her comics here without permission. hahaha, suuuush!)
so go check her gallery out (I'm being sincere here.) and then come and tell me how much maria is like me! (like exactly exactly exactly like me!) hahhaha.
i am so tired. and debate research? has gone spiffling well. ha.
have i ever mentioned how much i lurrve my pillow? (i use a cow pillow. =D) and then my bolster is basically my boyfriend? hahhaa. okay sleep sleep sleep,
so go check her gallery out (I'm being sincere here.) and then come and tell me how much maria is like me! (like exactly exactly exactly like me!) hahhaha.
i am so tired. and debate research? has gone spiffling well. ha.
have i ever mentioned how much i lurrve my pillow? (i use a cow pillow. =D) and then my bolster is basically my boyfriend? hahhaa. okay sleep sleep sleep,
good night! =D i love youuu!