9:57:00 PM

BUAWAHAHAHA. one hour's of hard work! one hour's of complete teamwork with zelia! one hour of screaming (on our part), running (on the part of 'our' pixel characters), bombing, jumping, firing and deaths of computer screen pixels. and near-death exprience for my keyboard. one hour of a voice saying 'machine gun!', enough to make carine scream softly into my chem textbook, 'im really starting to hate the words
'machine gun!'
one hour that was planned to be spent on studying. opps. heh heh heh.
riding on an after-national-day-celebratioin-high. haha, =] some how, having 3gr bond for the first time makes me feel so warm and fuzzy-like. *produces a fuzz ball* makes me think, maybe we can pull through another year as a class together. cause its no fun to be in a un-united class.
the sight of hundreds and hundreds of shimmery
multi-coloured bubbles floating over scgs sent me and gen drooling.
bubbles to attack! bubbles to run from! bubbles to run after! bubbles
to admire and chase with finger! bubbles to puff and huff and waft
towards the amphiteater! ^^
unfortunately i didn have a camera, so i'll have to wait for carine to upload photos if i'fd want to post bubble-fied scgs pictures here but ANYWAYS. ahhahaha. i can still hear gen shouting "FOLLOW THAT BUBBLE" and pw laughing at us. and i can still remember vividly fishy twacking someone on head yelling "THERE'S A BUBBLE ON YOUR HEAD!!!" i dont think i want to forget that particular part of national day just yet.
so okay, its amusing to see secondary sch girls acting like complete idiots all the way throught the peranakan garden and to the amphi but really, was all that intentional blowing of bubbles into my face nesscessary?! gawww. and its not the point that i blew bubbles into fang and kayi's hair at close range -that was an oversight on my part. tee hee hee. but after that pri sch girl (and some cough ex-netball juniors) decided to chase me with her bubble wand, i could taste soap on my lips for a long while after! =X
Name 11 people you can think of right now in your head. After that tag at least 5 people to do this.
1. lll.
2. gen.
3. pw.
4. carine.
5. jonQ.
6. LC.
7. nicky.
8. fang.
9. rachel ong.
10. rachel y.
11. danitza.
1. How did you meet 10?
at lit symposium. =] she stayed in the tech box with me through out the whole thing. thank youu!
2.What would you do if you never met 2?
i'd still be floating around looking for her then. one person i cant live without, seriously. she's the only one whos always there, always understand, always forgiving and always equally crazy.
3.What would you do if 9 and 11 dated?
branish a bible infront of them and tie each up seperately in blankets and dip them in the pool. at night in autum so it'll be cold. but well, im.. preeeee-teeeee-sure this'll nvr happen. hahaha.
4.Do you like 7?
most definitely. INFECTIOUS LAUGHTER.
5.would 5 and 6 make a good couple?
i dont think so. they're really different in beliefs, but remind me of each other, esp when it comes to attitude towards the world. kind of.
6.Describe 3?
keeps a sense of balence in our threesome by having the most commen sense. scolds me alot for being stupid. but she scolds gen more. ahahhaa. love youuu.
7.Do you think 8 is attractive?
sure. fang's hwaatttt! charater, looks and attitude. she has it all. ahhahaa.
8.Tell me something about 2.
she doesnt sleep with blankets but she sleeps with five bolsters and a hugmongous stuffed fuzzy lion called ruffles. she has thirteen cavaties due to excessive coke and sweets. she's my soul-mate-partner-best-est-friend.
9.Do you know any of 4's family?
eee, yeah.
10.Whats 5's favourite things?
im guessing his bible, his guitar and his pedals and his i dont know what else guitar set up rig for worship and his... blender?
11.What would you do if 3 confesses he/she likes you?
I wish this question was directed for 1 or 6. or heck, even 2. just not pw. cause i already know ITS NOT POSSIBLE BABEEE. hahaha.
12.Can you remember how your first conversation with 6 went like?
i think it went along the lines of 'i want to sleep on the control board' and 'i want to ponn the second half of lit symposium' and involved her telling me not to screw up when she did leave. i think.
but wells, i know i still owe her treats.
13.Who is 9 going out with?
God, i believe.
14. How old is 8 now?
15. i think. when's her birthday ah??
15.When was the last time you talked to 1?
erm today. she said hi. and she smiled.
16.What is 2's favourite band/singer?
jay chou at the moment. HAHAHAHHA.
17.Would you ever date 7?
nope i have my heart set on someone else. but WELL. its not my plan, its God's. wooh.
18.Would you ever date 11?
if we'd set asaid the fact that im straight (and the fact mentioned above) for a moment, just for one moment, then perhaphs. cause danne is soooo loveable.
19. Have you ever seen 2 naked?
ahhaha nopes. gen's a shy shy girl.
5 People whom you want to pass this on to
i went to saturday web (one hour late, im sry!) in a v lousy mood, due to mayors mayors mayors. gar, personally, if they can screw up trophies two years in a row, they shldnt take up the challenge of organising a competition. so disorganised! our taxi fare!
then matt talked abt blogs, blogging responsibly and sensibly. Does the blog entry glorify God? does the self expression become self indulgence? etc.
i thought and thought abt my blog, this blog, and decided i needed to read my archives. hahaha. just that proves that im not entirely sure of the intentions of keeping this blog. to tell the internet community abt my day, when "my voice is drowned out by 4.something-million voices out there"? have i always glorified God in each and every blog entry? too be v truthful, no, not at all. there are angry entries that i wrote, and are out there now, but yet i dont regret them cos at the same time, i believe they're well thought out entries!
so most definitely, its time to take a step back. actually, steps back, TOWARDS God. cause i've been lost all this while. like seriously going through the day with no agenda to praise God with my actions and words and losing my temper more often. like, seriously, lost.
i dunno. its too easy to get lost in this world. and then, soooo difficult to get out.
this has been a rather long post. hm.
