10:14:00 PM
you hurt more than just yourself when you do that.really.
"until you drew a picture of happiness for me."
everything's been so crazy. and with mayor's looming, (jon: "if you(suzy) make noise, i'll poke your bruise! quiet!" tsk, implicative advances infront of a teacher suzy!) i have little chance to hit the slow button.
chinese talent time's over, and im so proud of you guys, the way people are proud of their winning class. esp the singers who were so, so, so brave, even thought its your nature to be 'quiet'. and fang. and gen. and peiwen. and merissa.
yessh, you get the point. heck we didn't win, the sec4s were great as usual. i guess its scgs culture to go 'awww' no matter how cheeeeeee-zay and cliche the drama is. judges shld give points for hilarity, then 3pr's lipsync-ing bernice and sufen could have gotten in. scgs standard is just too good, ack *feels the pressure* im not going to think abt next year. not like those crazy toods over there.
gen: "cao cao's a guy right?!"
my chinese is horrendous. i cant read half the lyrics pw wrote out for me. and i have to ask for translations of spoken chinese, quite helplessly. how, how HOW? did i pass my chinese oral till now? GAR-laksjdkajshdnjgsajgfdjjfdoiuerwencskhf!
me: "im starting to like chinese songs. oh no, this is horrendously horrible!"
well, yes it is. considering i didn know that 3se's lyrics were all about sumokong aka monkeykingguy. gee, i thought it was something about good friends. or something. =/
and i tripped over heartstrings.
and hui fang went "awww, im so touched." cos apparently she thinks im following after her footsteps. my shifu, *rolls eyes* yesyes.
*smacks forehead*
close chapter of year with satisfying thud.
start on fresh page and draw a choo choo train.
cough sheepishly.
sub-note to two and a half years of blogging.
i've moved from blogging for others to blogging for me. so i really do apologise to my dar-ling friends. if you dont understand how my brain works, and my blog doesnt give you hints (actaully, it does. alot of hints. tasty ones too that taste of sugar and toffee and fudge). but i <3 you guys alot, and i hate myself for detaching me from you. im sorry. =[
random sub-sub-note.
i have hacker codes inside my debate book. or at least, that's what the (now scratches and worn down and fading) cover says in red. tralalalala. im getting the 'not enough memory space' version next! kooky. /random