10:12:00 PM

can you just imagine it? you, in a place something like heaven, and this bunny comes up to you all 'i-can-show-you-the-secret-wabbit-wardern-but-we-must-hurry!' then woffles its nose at you.
(for you dog people aka. gen, there's a you-in-heaven's-field-and-this-cute-golden-retriever-comes-up-to-you-with-a-stick-"let's-play?-picture in cuteoverload.com too! )
im very, very, very sleepy. poppies!

for the perfect moments, there's a perfect nose. and tongue. hahahhaa.
aletheia is currently unavailable as she goes into transports of bunny delights.

-woffles nose- "come children, clap and follow me."
It reminds me of times when we were children and delighted in role playing. i remember arguing over who would play hero and fall down a cliff (the bed. a less than one foot drop ^^ ) or pretending to be chained magical mermaids underwater (so we could blow bubbles) and yell "save meee first!" actually, my five year old gal friends were doing that. i was being the dashing knight in amour with my handy dandy dandelion sword. stick.. urm, stalk! hee.
some timely stress relief that comes in tiny furry bundles. awwww.
credits go to cuteoverload.com -> my daliy diet.haha. =]]
this is my second time typing out this entry. =[ stupid internet connections. sigh.
i remember going into bio prac feeling distinctly sick. and thinking that i'll blow something up.
i know i didn in the end though, thank god. =]
mr teh: "girls, are you done yet? you shloud be done soon. can i turn on the fan yet??" x3 or 4times. grin. yeshhh, it was a hot day. yessh, plus the heat of 38 bunsen burners. gawf.
and well, im happy with how emaths went. happy happy happy. now, *turns attention towards aching back.
lit auditorial coming up. * smacks forehead * gnaw.
MY famous last words.
for this entry.
because you really think im going to like,
disappear just because you want me to?
*aletheia disappears in a puff of purple coloured, orange scented, monoxious cloud of smoke
and reappears behind you to go
okay okay, i'll stop.
gave me a laugh. now your turn. =]
this is for gen. <3
the Earth, it's the only planet with Chocolate!!"