2:52:00 PM
2008 has gone past in a flash. i distinctly remember myself wishing before term exams that i could close my eyes and have everything be over when i wake up. like one of those flashbacks you see in movies when everything is disjointed, the boring parts are edited away and you only remember the good / memorable / sad / painful but still good parts.

... that kinda happened to me.

im very grateful this year to several persons, and groups of people. (:
thus starts the yearly reflective thank you shout out post to the people in my life. you know, for once. i'm on time. :D

you're always first on my list because you're my soul mate, my boy friend and my ultimate BFF. For every single time i've laughed at your naivety, said you're a loser and i've won, called you crazy and stupid, i'm sorry. and i take it all back, because i'm just as crazy stupid and as naive as you (or i'm more. haha.) and i dont mean it. hahaha. (: you know that right? but i still win and you lose anyway. that doesn't change. :p hahaha.
thank you for all the laughter and long phone calls and the long distance relationship. haha. i'm really grateful that on the certain occasions that you're free and have the permission to go out, you choose to ask me out.
we've been in different schools for one whole year already and we're still as close as ever, and that has to say something. (: rmb at the end of 07, we had so many fears that we'd change and drift apart and do nothing abt it? we honest to goodness PWNZ-ed those fears. (: now we know we can do anything we want as long as we work at it together. :D
I love you and lets watch bride wars together. (:




hey carine, peiwen, fishy, frang & zelia. (:
i will forever treasure the memories we've made together in secondary school and i will forever count you guys as my damnclosefreiends. (: let's meet up more often can? i miss all of you too much. (:



until this day i'm the only one who calls you nicky. (:
you've truly been a huge blessing to me this year. your constant encouragement and never ending laughter has really supported me in so many ways and on so many occasions over this year. (: thank you for every moment you've spent together with me (studying / laughing in fast food outlets, lazing at your / my house, church services and all the inbetweens) and thank you for every prayer you've said for me, i really love you. (:
hopefully next year will be just as good as this year has been. (: continue praying and depending on God. (: and i'll pray for you to get over your fear of public speaking. ;) haha.
i am always forever here for you. please know that. (:

33rds students' council.


the best decision i've made this year was to pick up that form. I'm glad God gave the go ahead to let me join you guys. you guys have been awesome, the fun-nest bunch of people to be with, the most caring extended family i've been part of and the best council mates i could ever ask for.
Council has really made 08 a super special year for me. Thank you for everything.



the laughter. the tears. the hard work. the stress. the tiredness. the million and one crushes i've had. the FOOD you fed me. the love you shared with me. the awesome sleepover party at your house. hahahaha. thank for being being part of my life, for being there for me, for being so generous, for giving me hugs when i needed them, for making sure i never went hungry. haha. i wuv you!


enough said. hahaha.
thank you AIRI, for always taking care of me and giving superb advice when i'm stressed and can't see a way out.
thanks Ian Yang, partner, for balencing out my frenzied nature, for shopping when i don't and for not settling for book vouchers for every present. (:
thank you stick, for always being so cute and blur and suan-able and loving. (: hahaha.
thank you char, xin yue, vicky and jeremy for accepting my craziness.
thank you bern, for everything in debate and council and cw. :D
i love you all.

hey debaters.


thank you for all the laughs and the wonderful experiences this year. (: i really love being with you guys. and we play a superb sneaky game of shootshagmarry! :D


i love my class.

to andrea & rae;
you two have really left polar opposite influences on me. (: hahaha.
thank you for everything. i really love you two. (:
Photobucket Photobucket
rae? thanks for putting up with my whines and hunger pangs and my infatuations and nonsense and clingy-ness.
andrea? i'm sorry for always teasing you. hahaha. sorry! thank you for all your encouragement, support and love. (: you're really a God sent angel. :D

Ian Arvin.
Thank for your concern and all those phone calls and
for always being there for me. (:
i love you!



memories are meant to be kept in your heart. (: i will forever remember you guys and love you guys. (: please please stay in touch!
Thank you for the friendships & memories! :D
i love all of you. (:

Pre U Sem.
hahaha. damn. good. memories. that will always make me smile (:
we HAVE to meet up.

and Ben Lau, you get special mention. (: Thanks for always being so sweet and encouraging!

and all the rest. (:

Thank you for everything this year. (: you guys are really awesome people and i'm thankful that i've met you. thanks for accepting me and all my crazy antics and embarrassing moments- it's heartening to know that no one has disowned me! yet. hahaha (:

1. throwing me into ACJC
2. being my guide and giving my strength when i thought i couldn't go on anymore.
3. loving me even though i'm me.
4. your forgiveness and mercy and grace and love.
5. giving me multiple second chances.
6. all the doors you've opened for me and those that you helped me close.
7. being you.
8. surrounding me with all my friends and giving me my parents.
9. everything else that i can't finish naming.

that's the end of a super duper long post.
i meant every word.
