8:47:00 PM
ahahahahas.so far i've left sch early twice for youth14s debate competition, and guess wad. i get to do it again!! whee. which means we won, yayee!my first debate for sc, haha :) poor poor sweet anabel wll be left with dealing with the lizards and having no desk partner again. aww.so okay, i managed to "piss" audrey yeo off today when i ranted n ranted n ranted abt her idea she presented during eng oral. blergh, removing the cuboard doors to creat open shelves. me n anabel (my wonderful desk partner but i still miss aisah duhh) were truamatised by the thoughts of spiders n lizards. shiver. >.< while you may say we're a pair of bimbos and airheads, wadeva. i think its acceptable that people have fears and bad expriences. please dont be shallow and assumptive and label us just like that.
so yay scgs is in for quaters against rgs and pray hard for us that we will win again. when lis went down to flip the coin, woops. that guys was so.. clumsy. he had to flip the coin 3 times. my gosh.. >.< everybody was laughing away, heh.
congrats to lis for best speaker twice in a row.
i believe as long as we work as a team, as long as everyone is willing to put in their best effort and be the best team member each of us can be, we'll definitely make it. go sc db8!
and manda, thanks for letting me play with your watterbottle. haha :] and thanks for the badge!
carine: lift your head high and while you take constructive critisism seriously, brush off petty insults that are below you. let the lord guide and carry you through this period of insecurity "the lord is the shelter of the righteous where they run and hide" remember that i dont throw words around, i mean it when i said im always 24/7 there for you. find solace in those that you can trust and after clearing up whatever misunderstandings, start anew. im proud of you, remember that.
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i've changed my blogging style noticed? it doesnt sound good to me. feedback? thanks people.