no other word for drop dead tired.
6:05:00 PM
we pwnz.i call it the SD1 revolution.

but happy.
but tired.
the highlight was the food, seriously.

studying with nicole. and she went crazy, happily spamming smses.
just because she has unlimited free smses.

i hate it that when you study outside, it's either the library (which has no more places at the tables..) or fast food outlets. and fast food is so unhelathy, fattening, and sinfully tempting and salty and difficult to resist.
after our mos burger camp out we went to the library. and sat on the floor.
and read two hours worth of magazines as a fifteen minute break. hahahaha.

goodmorning world.
my body clock is screwed up after i've finally caught up on all my sleep. i slept for thirteen hours straight yesterday night. shiok.
okay goodbye.
i still love you.