long due photo post.
5:25:00 PM
hello! i'm back from my bouts of insanity, drunkenness, hungry periods and HOLIDAYS ARE ABOUT TO START! :D like today! hahahaa. altho i feel like holidays aren't really holidays this year. half of it is gone, i'll be MIAing for week one & two. camps! Pre U sem & june council camp. and the other half has debate trngs & i need to studyyyyyy for TERMS. omg. i haven't had mid years for how longggg (cause sc doesn't have them! :D) and well, panic, dear ale, panic! (:but i shalnt complain. there're some people that have totally lost their holidays to GLYC. they aren't taking half of their terms. coughraecough. (:
so. before i disappear for two weeks, photos! that i owe cgap for super super long- labour day. and P&P photos. and kronos photos. and and and... random stuff. (:
why is it so small?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I spent how long on it, and now it's.. it's.. THIS?
*kills something squishy that screams for me*
and when i enlarge it, photos get pixelated.
why is this happening to me.
gen & frang taking retarded photos.
there's actually about twenty? thirty photos of them.
but one sums it all up.
gen, this is payback
(instead of tomatoes and hard boiled eggs. you like?)
for the unglam and STRETCHED photos of me you put up.
and then i joined them.
i love my squirrel! thanks gen! :D
we are tiny, but this is cute.
and we're lucky!
because we left the camera some distance away,
it was on timer and no one walked past during our shot!
luckayee! :D
gen gave us lifts to busstops on the way back.
of course we camwhored in the car and
cause there's a halo (light!) right ontop of my head.
just let me, okay?
i freaking freaking love you guys and miss the good ol' SC days.
i realllyyyyy miss being together every single day,
instead now, we have super rare occasions once in a long long time.
cgap forever, love love love.
cough. moving on....
highlights! rae in a gown! :D
andrea in pufferfish mode. so cute! :D
and yes, belatedly, P&P or Pride & Prejudice
as the rest of the non-ACSian Theater world calls it,
was awesomely great. (:
the costumes were love!
sooooo hwat! ;D
pictures taken on the road.
and stuff i'm bringing/ have bought for camps! :D
i lurveeeee my pink &green froggy slippers, CUTE!
and lime green PIG that shines lights from its nostrils!
hahahahahhaa!! *nudges pw.* :D
on the way to P&P.
i love red ribbons!
please don't spoil your eyes and look too closely for pimples. lol.
i didn't bother to photoshop- yes, school makes me lazy. ;)
i realise..... MONTHS after, that...
i forgot earrings. damn.
that product AC (or rather, 1/4 us, 3/4 sean!)
made for the general population. heh. (:
heyyyy, i helped okay! x)
went to Changi airport, to send grandma off.
she's off to canada for three beautiful months to spend time with the half of our family that's there! (: hope she'll have a great/perfect/wonderful/relaxing/all of the fore mentioned time there. (: AND I MISS HER ALREADY.
my really cute cousin who has a really cute pikachu jaket. but he hates the hood. so we had to bully/bribe him (unsuccessfully) to put the hood on. hahaha. my aunt/his mum is pulling it down now! but alas, the boy's smart. and he turned away from the camera. hahahaa. the jacket is awesomely cute. ang ren would LOVE it. hahahaa. in the front, there's pikachu's face and all. :D
i love you more than my chocolate.
love, ale.